Day 9 : Some Git Commands



2 min read


Today we are going to start with some basic Git commands.

Here we go!

Git init:

it will initialize git to track the directory or folder.

Git Status:

You can check the status of the files and whether they are being tracked by git or not, using this command.

Git add:

If we want to track the files in the git-initialized project folder, we have to stage them, for staging you have to use this command:

git add .

if you want to stage a specific file, you can use : git add <file_name>

Git Commit:

Once we stage the changes or files, we are ready to commit them to our repository using the command below:

git commit -m "<Custom Message>"

Git Branch:

To handle the workspace of multiple developers, we use branches.

To create a branch - git branch <new_branch_name>

To delete a branch - git branch -d <branch_name>

To see all the branches - git branch

Git Log:

If we want to check the log for every commit detail, we can use "git log".

git log -- graph command creates a graphic overview of how a developer's various development pipelines have branched and merged over time.

git log --graph --pretty=oneline will give the consolidated result of the git log. This is my favourite command, you can have a look at it too.

That's all for today!
In the next blog, we will talk about a scenario where we will use common git commands to solve it so that we can get a feel of real problem-solving.

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