Day 12 : PUPPET



1 min read

Hello everyone,

Today we will continue our discussion on Configuration Management. And we will pick up a Configuration Management tool to discuss - that is Puppet.

1. What is Puppet?

Puppet is an open-source software configuration management tool for the deployment, configuration, and management of servers. It runs on most of the unix-like systems as well as on windows.

Puppet includes its own declarative language to describe system configuration.

Some key features of Puppet:

i) large user base

ii) big open-source community

iii) documentation

iv) platform support

Puppet Architecture:

Puppet follows a Master-Slave architecture and it is a pull configuration.

Firstly, Puppet slave sends machine metadata or state to the master, then the Master analyzes the data sent from the slave. If any changes are needed it sends the required changes to the slave.

Then Slave executes the changes and sends a report back to the master.

And all these interactions or communications are encrypted using SSL certificates.

And the certificate signing process is as follows:

That's all for the day! See you again.

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