Day 6 : Basics of Version Control System
Version Control System/Tool #90daysofdevops
1.What is Version Control?
Suppose you are playing your favourite video game. You completed up to level 5. And while playing level 5 you failed. What if it takes you back to level 1 again?
Quite frustrating, isn't it? That's why you need something to keep track of your previous changes.
Version control is a system that records/manages changes in code, scripts or any document over time. It helps us to track changes when multiple people work on the same project.
2.How many types of version controls do we have?
There are mainly two types of version control systems:
i)centralized version control system
ii)distributed version control system
Centralized VCS:
It has a single server containing all versions of the code, stored in the repositories. It also stores backup files and details of contributors (programmers working on the code). It cannot store versions in local systems.
This type of version control system works better for a small team or a smaller size of the project. And in case you have to store binary files of big size in your project, a centralized VCS is a suggested approach.
Distributed VCS:
A Distributed VCS allows versions to be stored on local systems as well as on remote repository.
Developers can “clone” an entire repository, including the entire version history of the project. Thus they can have a local copy of the repository, including all branches and past versions.
Developers can work independently on their local repository branch and then later merge their changes back to the remote repository.
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